This is a bonus chapter before the second volume starts! The first Q&A session had Yu Ming and Wu Jingguo, and for the second one, we will have Bai Chen and Wu Jinhai.

Happy reading!




Q: Your story finally continued in a new novel. How's your feeling?

Bai Chen: "I only started appearing in the second volume of this novel, but it feels good to take part in this novel. At least, I no longer look silly and clueless in this novel, and that's why I like this novel more than the previous novel."

Wu Jinhai: (turning to Bai Chen) "I don't think you looked silly and clueless in the previous novel. I think you were adorable in that novel."

Bai Chen: "Maybe you actually want to say that I was gullible in that novel, right?"

Wu Jinhai: (looking speechless before shifting his gaze away from Bai Chen) "I'm happy to take part in this novel, but I hope I will get some steamy scenes with Bai Chen."

Bai Chen: "..."
