It seemed like they didn't want to waste any time at all. Right after receiving orders from the Emperor, the two brothers left the Xinyang Imperial Palace and headed to Fushui Village.

It could be said that it was a secret order from the Emperor because all the officials in the palace were not even aware of the matter. Only two horses accompanied them, and the two animals walked steadily on the ground.

The two brothers had been enveloped in silence ever since they left the Xinyang Imperial Palace. They didn't look like two best friends at all, and maybe they didn't even know how to talk to each other when it was just the two of them right now.

Glancing at the man riding a horse next to him, Wu Jingguo could see his brother showing a firm expression on his face. Right now, he still found it quite strange that the two of them had to work together like this, but then he remembered the Emperor's words.