Wu Jingguo could see how desperate the old lady was at the moment. While the other woman inside the house could still use the word "disease" to describe her condition, the woman outside the house looked like she had lost all her rationality, and she even thought that the two young men were witches who cursed her twin sister and the other villagers in the village.

She even looked like a madwoman under Wu Jingguo's gaze, but Wu Jingguo didn't have any bad intentions when he started approaching her. Instead, he just stopped walking in front of her and asked, "Aren't you the old woman who owns an inn near the border between Wu Li and the demon realm?"

That was the question that left Wu Jingguo's lips, and the old woman finally dared to look up. Her shriveled hands still helplessly hugged her own body, but her frightened eyes now looked at Wu Jingguo warily.