Yu Ming and Wu Jingguo glanced at each other after hearing Hao's answer. Neither of them looked happy, but it was the former who said in response to the fire demon's reply, "I came to the demon realm with Prince Wu Jingguo, and I can't just leave him here. Moreover, Prince Wu Jingguo is injured, and that's the reason why I must always keep him by my side even when I reach the top of the First Peak."

Hao withdrew his hand from in front of Wu Jingguo's body, but that didn't mean he would let the blue-robed man walk past him because he immediately used his body to block the Prince. Red and blue stood in front of each other, and the red one looked annoyed at what Yu Ming had just said.

"If you insist on staying with him, then you shouldn't enter the First Peak at all, Master Yu," the fire demon replied. "Earlier you said he was injured, but that's none of my business. I'll just listen to my master's orders."