Finally, Yu Ming had enough courage to face Wu Jingguo once again. He was even surprised when he saw the big smile on the Prince's face.
"Why... why are you smiling at me?" Confused, Yu Ming asked the question, but it wasn't even enough to erase the wide smile on Wu Jingguo's face.
Instead of answering the question, Wu Jingguo suddenly moved his body forward, and his big body immediately enveloped Yu Ming's smaller body. That only added to Yu Ming's shock.
"I'm happy," unexpectedly, Wu Jingguo whispered right next to Yu Ming's ear. "Many people were against our relationship for various reasons, and one of the reasons was that I wouldn't be able to continue my family's bloodline if I chose you to be my life partner. But now you gave me an egg that will be my child in the future, and that's enough to fight those people. Even my mother would be speechless if she knew I was going to have a child."