"So, my son will become a fish?" Wu Jingguo immediately asked the question after he received further explanation from Gong Zhaohui.
When Yu Ming glanced at the man in blue, he couldn't help but think that the man showed a hint of disappointment on his face when asking that question.
It was another thing that made Yu Ming feel unsure about telling Wu Jingguo the truth. From the start, he knew that what would come out of the egg would be a fish instead of a human, and that was why he doubted whether Wu Jingguo would accept their 'child' or not.
Meanwhile, Gong Zhaohui secretly glanced at Yu Ming, and he could probably tell the bitter expression on the fish demon's face at the moment. Turning to Wu Jingguo once again, he then answered the question, "That's right, Your Highness. You will have a fish as your child, but—"
"Are you inside, Master Gong?"