In the end, Yu Ming let go of Song Tingfeng. Of course, Wu Jingguo protested his decision, and the blue-robed man even asked Yu Ming to continue locking his cousin in the tavern instead of letting him leave.

Yu Ming could see how Wu Jingguo still didn't trust his cousin. Yes, Song Tingfeng was indeed Wu Jingguo's cousin, but the Prince didn't seem to mind keeping his cousin locked up. Unfortunately, Yu Ming had made up his mind, and in the end, he let Song Tingfeng leave with Ah Chun.

["For now, just stay in Fushui Village and look after the villagers there. If you dare do something funny, I will also do something funny to you until you can't laugh anymore, Song Tingfeng."]

That was how Yu Ming warned the man with an eyepatch, and the man did not even refute him. Standing beside the man was Ah Chun, and the beautiful girl holding his arm to prevent him from attacking Yu Ming after hearing the fish demon's warning.