"Is he dead?" It was Hao who immediately asked that question after witnessing how the burly man suddenly fell to the ground.

Previously, the burly man shouted loudly, and his eyes were wide open as if frightened by something. But after he fell to the ground, his pair of eyes closed, and there was no movement at all in his body. In fact, the man didn't seem to be breathing at all.

It was Xue Mingyu who would have to take responsibility if the burly man really died, and the Demon King quietly squatted beside the burly man before reaching his hand towards the man's face. To be precise, the Demon King pointed his index finger at the man's nose before trying to feel the man's breath with his finger.

"He's still alive," the Demon King answered. "He's only unconscious, but he's still alive. I think the Deep Sea Bubbles succeeded in calming this man's mind. At least, it succeeded in stopping his nightmares."