"You're right. The old man introduced himself as Liang when we first met him at the river in Fushui Village."
Yu Ming didn't even know when Wu Jinhai started standing beside Wu Jingguo, but that answer came from the red-robed man, not the blue-robed man. At this moment, even Bai Chen was standing beside Wu Jinhai.
Around them, demons fought each other. It was Hao and the other demons he summoned from the demon realm fighting the criminal demons. It seemed like their strength was equal, and even their numbers were almost the same. That was why it was not easy to guess which group of demons would emerge victorious.
"So, The Ghost was pretending to be a good person at that time, and we even let him touch the villagers, Your Highness. Now, we cannot confirm whether the villagers are still safe or not after this villain touched them with his sinful hands!" It was Wu Jingguo who responded to what the Crown Prince had just said.