It was persuasion, it was a suggestion. Yu Ming looked confused when he heard the words leaving his uncle's lips, but then he seemed to come to his senses once again as he suddenly moved his right hand towards his uncle's neck, and in the blink of an eye, his uncle's neck was in his grasp.

A certain situation repeated itself, but the people involved in those situations were not the same. Previously, it was Bai Chen in the form of a wolf who was in Yu Liang's grasp, but this time, Yu Liang was in Yu Ming's grasp. Yu Ming didn't even look like hesitating as he tightened his grip around his uncle's neck.

"Do you think I will easily believe a traitor's mouth?" Gritting his teeth, Yu Ming questioned his uncle. "You could kill an entire clan, and even if you act honest and gentle in front of me, I don't believe that act at all! I can even say that I trust Xue Mingyu more than you, Yu Liang!"