Kimberly dropped the second boot to the floor and wished the man sitting there in the dark beside her could be a bit open minded and that they could get along for once after this. She realized that as annoying as he could be, he was a good man. But she couldn't kid herself for too long. She wondered if he was really being this way because he cared, or because he was doing his job. 

Whichever one it was, she was grateful to him. Grateful that he was with her. 

"Come here," Asher said. "You're shivering again."

With a sigh, Kimberly turned and positioned herself between his hard thighs. They arranged the blankets into a nest to shelter them. She wrapped one of them around her feet and legs as he'd instructed.

The others he drew around him and thus around them both, with the thermal tarp on top as he settled back against the door.