Suddenly, the afternoon had become more torpid than before. Even the insects had ceased their droning buzz. The air was too muggy to inhale. Katherine became aware of her clothing, and every place that it clung damply to her skin. Her hair felt heavy and hot against her neck.

A butter colored sun beat down on the earth, which released its heat in rising shimmers. It was like being in a perfumed sauna—only they weren't naked.

She became very conscious of how close to her Jensen was standing, how near her shoulders were to his hips. Mere inches separated their hands on the rope.

His scent mingled with myriad others, but she could distinguish it.

"I shouldn't have said that," she said.

"It's fine," he said. He lowered his hands and moved away from the swing, keeping his broad back to her.

"I have to go now. I will go say goodbye to Tim".
