"Well" Claire said "Get ready to get really angry then"

Katherine frowned, not understanding what Claire had said. Claire nodded to her left, smiling and Katherine's gaze went in that direction.

And there was Jensen Packard. Just walking down there, obviously looking for where to sit so he could watch the game.

God! What the man did to her. Katherine thought. Just looking at him did things to her insides... Made her feel things she couldn't explain.

The formal business suit and crisp white shirt she was used to seeing him wear were gone and in their place he was wearing jeans and a checked shirt. The cords hugged the long, lean lines of his legs, and as Katherine felt her glance drawn helplessly along the length of him, she was aware of certain disturbing sensations prickling warningly inside herself. It was so unlike her to be aware of any man and yet with Jensen it was completely different.