The Battle Begins.

The next morning, Liang Tian and Lan Xia continued their journey towards the imperial capital. They travelled through rugged mountains and dense forests, encountering many dangers along the way. But despite the obstacles, they persevered and continued on their quest.

As they reached a small village on the outskirts of the capital, they were greeted by a group of imperial soldiers who had been sent to arrest Liang Tian. The soldiers accused him of being a rebel and demanded that he surrender himself.

Liang Tian knew that this was a trap. He had suspected that the imperial court was aware of his presence and that they would try to capture him. However, he was not one to back down from a fight, and he drew his sword, ready to face the soldiers.

A fierce battle ensued, and Liang Tian's swordsmanship proved to be too much for the soldiers. He managed to defeat them all and sent them fleeing back to the capital.

Lan Xia was amazed by Liang Tian's skill and bravery, and she knew that he was not an ordinary man. She realized that he was the Sword Emperor, the legendary figure who had been rumored to be planning a rebellion against the imperial court.

Liang Tian knew that he had to continue his journey in secret, as he couldn't risk being captured again. He and Lan Xia disguised themselves as common travelers and made their way towards the capital, avoiding the main roads and staying off the beaten path.

As they neared the city, they came across a group of rebels who were fighting against the imperial forces. Liang Tian knew that he had found his allies, and he decided to join forces with them.

The rebels were impressed by Liang Tian's skill and reputation, and they welcomed him with open arms. They told him of their plans to overthrow the corrupt imperial court and to restore justice and equality to the land.

Liang Tian knew that this was his calling, and he decided to join the rebels in their fight against the empire. He knew that the road ahead would be long and difficult, but he was determined to see it through to the end.

As they marched towards the capital, Liang Tian and Lan Xia knew that they were embarking on a dangerous and uncertain path. But they were ready to face whatever challenges lay ahead, knowing that their cause was just and their determination unbreakable.