Drinks,drinks and more drinks

A few hours have passed since Lami and the girls entered the bar and met up with Reiju. The sun was about set and the bar is now getting filled with people and the atmosphere was also getting lively.

" Even though that bastard king is still on the throne at least we have the best drinking spot to keep our spirits high after a long day," said one of the patrons in the bar as he took a swig of his drink.

Lami couldn't help but chuckle as she overheard the man's comment. ' Maybe I should send Olivia to go and assassinate that king,' she thought as she took a sip of her drink.

Lami and the girls sat at an empty table in the corner of the bar, chatting, drinking and getting to know each other better.

" Is it me or is the king of this place scum that needs to be handled?" joked Olivia while Lami shrugged her shoulders and laughed, " Maybe you will meet him later on when we launch our heist if he will be in the factories, Olivia," responded Lami with a grin.

Amelia who has been quietly listening decided to speak up, "That's a bad idea Lami, Neesan easily agrees to anything when she's drunk, we don't want her to cause trouble and go and assassinate the king while we're on the mission," warned Amelia with a smile, earning a playful glare from Olivia.

Lami turned toward Reiju and said, " Oh yeah Reiju I noticed that your siblings have arrived on this island, They're currently inside the castle with the king."

Reiju was shocked at the sudden information she just received from Lami. " We should leave before they notice us," warned Reiju.

Lami noticed Reiju's strange behaviour but decided to keep quiet for now. " Don't worry I can handle your brothers alone," said Lami with a smile on her face.

As the sun set the girls left the bar and started heading toward the factories preparing themselves for their next move. The girls were on their way to steal some of the booze in the factories, as it was the best booze in the entire North Blue.

They couldn't buy it and so they had to steal it. It turns out that if you buy liquor from this place you have to drink and finish it while you are still on the island.

In order words you are not allowed to take it out of the island unless you are a licensed merchant.

The girls arrived at the factories and began scouting the place looking for any entry points, analyzing the guard's movements and the layout of the area.

They found a weak spot to get inside the factory and they decided to make a move. With stealth and precision, Lami and the girls infiltrated the factory, dodging guards and avoiding detection.

They finally reached the storeroom and they loaded up as many barrels of booze as they could carry. However, as they were leaving they were spotted by guards and they had only one option and that was to fight.

The girls took their positions ready to break through the guards. Reiju transformed into her upgraded Raid suit. She has gained the power of Stealth Black which allowed her to become invisible to the naked eye.

After Lami, Law, Bepo and Joe invaded the Germa Kingdom and beat up the Vinsmoke siblings, Judge decided to upgrade the Raid suits.

Lami and the girls destroyed the guards in a matter of seconds and made their quick escape with booze. The girls left the booze on their ship and went back to the bar to continue drinking.

The girls continued to enjoy their night, sharing stories and creating new memories that they will cherish for a long time.

As the night went on the bartender was shocked to see the girls going strong and ordering more drinks.

At that same moment, the king of Liquorville was having dinner with his guests the three Princes of Germa Vinsmoke Ichiji, Vinsmoke Niji and Vinsmoke Yonji. A message barged inside the room and reported that the liquor factory was robbed.

The liquor factory was the king's most prized possession he would give everything for was robbed and they have no clear images of the suspects who committed the crime.

The king was fuming with anger as he slammed his fist on the table, "I will not let this stand! How can you get beaten by a group of young women while you are supposed to be our strongest warriors of Liquorville," roared the king in frustration.

One of the warriors spoke while stuttering, " We suspect that the enemy is from Germa as she was wearing one of the Raid suits of the Vinsmokes. "

" Ho it seems we found Reiju," said Yonji as he recognized her as she was wearing the raid suit.

The king's face turned dark, " Reiju? Is she your sibling?" he repeated with his eyes narrowed,

" Yeah she's been acting strangely ever since the scientist upgraded our suits," responded Ichiji.

The other Vinsmoke simply just nodded and continued to dine on their meal.

" Even so she must be found, why has that Vice-Admiral woman not taken any action against the thieves?" asked the king.

The men looked at each other until one of them spoke, " She said today is her day off and the only reason she's even on this island is to drink some of our best booze."

The king's anger escalated as he heard the news, " What's the use of having a Vice-Admiral if she won't even do her work properly?" roared the king in frustration.

A woman was walking all alone in the streets and she was heading toward a drinking bar. She had curly black hair, a mole on her cheek, a spider tattoo on her thigh and she was wearing a pink dress.

She entered the bar and ordered her usual drink. However, she was shocked when she found out that a group of young women had already consumed most of the booze in the bar.

The woman was shocked but when she was about to speak she got interrupted. " Hey I couldn't help but overhear that your favorite drink is sold out, would you like to join me and my friends at the table we seem to have the booze you are looking for," said one of the girls with a smile.

The woman hesitated but eventually decided to leave with the young woman as she didn't sense any ill intent from her.

Little did the woman know, she was about to become a part of something much bigger than herself.

The woman walked into a group of women who were the ones responsible for the theft of the king's most prized position.

As the woman sat down and started drinking with Lami and her crew, the crew introduced themselves to the woman and welcomed her to their drinking table. ' Lami? where did I hear that name from?' thought the woman to herself.

Little did she know the events that will occur tonight due to her being drunk after drinking with Lami and her crew.

As the night went on the woman lost all track of time as she enjoyed the company of Lami and her crew. She even shared some personal stories with them, feeling a sense of trust towards the young women.

The woman is supposed to be on her day off however the king had demanded that she find the little band of thieves. " I wish that idiot of the king chokes on his booze," joked the woman as she continued drinking with the crew.

" Oh really, I could have that arranged," said Olivia with a smirk causing the woman to laugh before she spoke, " Sure... you could," said the woman playfully.

Little did she know that Lami and her crew could assassinate all the soldiers in the royal army in a single night like ants.

The crew drank almost all the booze in the bar before they decided to leave and go find a place to rest. The woman felt that Lami and the girls will be targeted by thugs as they were drunk so she decided to escort them to their destination.

' This Vice-Admiral is leaving with us, this will bring trouble we should go to a hotel, not the ship,' thought Lami to herself as they made their way to the hotel.

Lami and her crew all went to a hotel to get some rest. However, as they arrived at the hotel they decided to order more booze.

As the night went by the girls started playing games and doing daring actions while they were drunk and having fun.

Morning came and when the woman woke up she found herself in a different room that wasn't hers. She saw that she was the only one in the room and she had a pounding headache.

She tried to remember what happened last night but her memories were blurry. *knock* *knock* her thoughts were interrupted by the sound of someone knocking on her door.

Before she could react, the door opened and in came Lami with a cup of coffee in hand. " Good morning how are you feeling?" asked Lami with a smile.

The woman was taken aback by the woman's kindness and felt guilty as she couldn't remember what happened the previous night.

Feeling confused and embarrassed, the woman apologized to Lami for not remembering what happened.

" Oh don't worry about that it happens sometimes," said Lami reassuringly, " We had a wild night you joined our table and drank with us then we all got pretty drunk and came into this hotel and played all sorts of games and did all sort of daring things," added Lami with a chuckle.

The woman nodded as she tried to recall the memories but all she could remember was a vague image of Olivia agreeing to assassinate the king.

" What happened? Why is there noise outside?" asked the woman as she was disturbed by the noise coming from outside. Lami answered, " About... that, someone killed the king and and person isn't from my crew.

The woman was in shock and couldn't believe what she heard. She was interrupted when she heard cheers coming from outside.

" That idiot king was found dead in his chambers!" shouted one of the people who were on the streets. The woman felt unease and wondered what kind of trouble has occured while she was having her day off.