Auction house: The battles get heated

The battles were underway and the sound of swords clashing against each other echoed throughout the auction house.

The crowd watched in horror as the once luxurious auction house was now turned into a bloody battlefield.

Amidst the chaos and violence, it was hard to remember that just hours ago the room had been filled with people bidding on rare antiques and collectibles.

The battle against Lami and Vice-Admiral Fujimura was one-sided as Lami proved to be more skilled and experienced in combat.

Fujimura tried every trick he had to gain the upper hand but Lami proved to be a formidable foe, parrying all his attacks with ease and making swift counters.

The civilians who had attended the auction house were now huddled together in fear, hoping for their safety amidst the unpredictable events.

These actions were not left unnoticed by Fujimura, " It seems our dual will have to go on hold," he spoke while catching his breath, "I will retreat for now."

Lami narrowed her eyes, " What about completing your mission?" Fujimura replied, " A marine's mission is to protect the civilians," he sheathed his sword and made his way toward the civilians to escort them out of harm's way.

Lami watched as Fujimura disappeared into the crowd, a sense of admiration for her opponent filling her. ' Time to leave I guess, I should probably eat this fruit,' she thought as she took out one of the fruits in her bag and gulped it down and moved toward the chaos to find a new challenger to test her new powers on.

Two figures were standing amidst the chaos, and they were watching the events unfold. They were furious as there were no items that interested them, only the rare Devil fruit which has been eaten.

The two were Charlotte Oven and Snack, notorious members of the Big Mom Pirates. They came to the auction with hopes of acquiring goods for their mother Big Mom, but the auction ended up being a complete waste of their time.

They looked at Alexia who had eaten the Mythical Zoan and they knew they had to have her. Snack turned to Oven, "Let's capture that girl and bring her to Mama," Oven nodded, "It's the only good thing we could bring Mama."

With their plan set, they decided to let the other pirates fight themselves for now and when they are tired they would strike and capture Alexia without resistance. Little did they know, Lami was also on the hunt for her next opponent.

The main building where the auction house was held had now turned into a battleground and was filled with explosions and screams as it started to collapse.

Lami moved cautiously, scanning the area for someone worthy of her skills. ' Aren't those two the members of Big Mom Pirates?' Lami thought as she noticed Oven and Snack. She felt a rush of excitement as she eyed Oven who was a user of the Hot Hot Devil fruit.

Lami saw this as a perfect opportunity to test her new powers against someone who is her natural counter. With a smirk, she approached Oven and Snack ready to engage in another battle.

" Looks like I found my opponents," Lami said confidently as she stood before the two children of Big Mom.

Oven and Snack were taken aback when they were confronted by Lami, a stranger they had never seen before. They looked at Lami with disbelief, not expecting much from the young lady.

" You think you are worthy of challenging us?" chuckled Oven, his hands glowing in heat. Lami smiled as she activated her fruit and her fist was surrounded in an icy blue aura.

" Why don't you come and find out," replied Lami as she charged toward Oven with her fist cocked back ready to strike.

Oven responded with a fist of his own and the two clashed in a powerful collision of heat and ice. Their clash sent shockwaves across the battlefield, as spectators stopped in their tracks to watch the intense battle.

The other pirates who were locked in battles of their own also turned their attention toward the fight between Lami and Oven as the room temperature began to drop rapidly.

Ace who was battling against Ulti was in a disadvantageous position due to Ulti's thick and hardened skin that seemed impenetrable. Ulti proved to be a tough opponent as she laughed off Ace's attacks with ease.

Ace was shocked at the fact that Ulti was capable of touching his fire without burning herself. ' What the hell is up with this chick, she's able to land attacks on me while I'm not able to do any damage!' thought Ace frustratedly.

It turned out that Ulti can utilize two types of Haki, Armament and Observation. This gave her a huge advantage against Ace who was only able to utilize Haoshoku.

Amidst the fight, Ace suddenly felt the room temperature dropping rapidly and he was shocked when he a man made of hot flames was feeling cold. " What the hell is happening?" Ace muttered as he struggled to maintain his focus on Ulti's attacks.

Lami's battle against Oven was the result of the temperature dropping as she was able to overpower him with her ice abilities.

The other pirates realized that Lami is a formidable opponent as she was able to freeze some of Oven's parts before he melted them with his fruit ability.

Azula and Page One who were both fighting against Alexia were at a disadvantage as they faced her. Alexia proved to be unmatched in her transformation as she was able to withstand any attack they threw at her.

Azula ignited her swords in flames and charged at Alexia, her swords only bounced off Alexia's scales without leaving a single scar. Page One rammed his head into Alexia but her skin was too strong to penetrate.

Alexia simply smiled and countered with an attack from her tail that sent Azula and Page One crashing into the walls and appearing in a different room.

' That was a heavy blow, I think some of my bones are broken,' thought Azula as she tried to feel her bones. ' Nani?! Nothing is broken, I'm not even bleeding!' thought Azula in shock as she realized Alexia's attack had no damage done to her.

Azula looked toward Page One and saw that he had blood coming from his mouth and looked knocked out. Alexia slithered her body toward them and entered the room, ready to deliver the finishing blow.

However, she stopped in her tracks as she saw a group of young girls who were held captive in the room, amongst the girls one looked like a hybrid between a human and a bunny. " Please don't hurt us!" cried one of the girls. ' Slaves? Is that a mink?' she thought while looking around.

Alexia was enraged by the sight of these young women who were held captive. ' No woman should be treated like this,' she thought to herself as she could sense the sadness and fear in the girls.

She transformed back into her human form and walked toward the girls with a comforting smile. Alexia as a princess understood the importance of protecting others who were weaker than her, especially women.

With a gentle voice, Alexia spoke, " Don't be afraid, I'll get you out of here." The girls looked back at Alexia and for some reason, they felt that she meant her words and she would indeed free them from captivity.

Alexia's compassion toward others proved to be one of her greatest strengths and it was a quality that set her apart from others. She crushed all the chains that held the girls captive, " You're free now, go and live your lives without fear," she said with a smile.

The girls broke down in tears and stared back at Alexia before one of them spoke, " Thank you for saving us, but we have no place to go as our island was destroyed by pirates."

Alexia's heart sank as she realized the gravity of the situation the girls are facing. Determined to save the girls, " Then you could come with me, I'm sure Lami will have an idea to help you guys," she spoke in an assuring tone.

Her words brought smiles of relief and gratitude to the faces of the girls. " Did you forget about us already?" spoke Page One as he regained consciousness.

Alexia turned toward Page One and Azula and replied, " Ho, you can still stand, well then bring it on."

' How is that woman still standing after all the blows I landed, also why hasn't she transformed? Unless she has no idea of her fruit,' thought Alexia while looking toward Azula who was standing beside Page One with her swords ignited in flames.

Alexia turned into a Quetzalcoatl dragon and charged up another wind blast that she fired toward Azula and Page One. The blast sent them flying and crashing into a nearby wall.

' Alexia just transformed again, is she in trouble?' thought Lami as she continued to battle against Oven. " Reiju, take this and head over to Alexia, she might need help," spoke Lami as she threw Reiju the bag that contained a Devil Fruit.

Reiju caught the bag and opened it, revealing a Devil Fruit. She was confused for a second before she looked to Carina who was standing beside her and understood what Lami meant.

She quickly handed the bag to Carina and spoke, " I think it's yours, eat it so that we can go assist Alexia."

Carina nodded and consumed the fruit and they moved to the other room where Alexia was fighting against Azula and Page One. As they arrived, they saw a group of girls huddled together and Alexia standing in front of them while fending off the attacks from her enemies.

Reiju turned toward Carina and said, " Try to figure out how your fruit works and help those girls escape from the chaos, I'll assist Alexia."

Carina nodded and began to explore the abilities while Reiju charged her foot with poison and kicked toward Page One, landing a direct kick in his face.

The kick sent him stumbling back and allowed Alexia to take advantage and slammed her tail onto Azula, making her fall to the ground and drop her swords.

Who's Who who was engaged in combat with the Nova siblings had the upper hand during the battle. He was fighting against Olivia and Amelia simultaneously but his experience in combat proved to be too much for the sisters.

With a sly grin Who's Who taunted them, " You two are no match for me," he said as he dodged Amelia's lightning attacks and parried Olivia's bullets.

But little did he know that the sisters were getting warmed up as they were beginning to synchronize their attacks. Amelia sent a big cloud that surrounded Who's Who and Olivia took the chance to fire multiple bullets at him from different angles.

Who's Who was trapped in the cloud and had no way of knowing where the bullets were coming from. He transformed into a Saber tooth tiger, and with his increased speed, agility and power, he managed to break free from the cloud.

As he came out of the cloud Amelia sent a lightning javelin toward him that connected with his claws as he blocked it. Olivia seized the opportunity and fired a bullet that looked like a sword slash toward him.

Who's Who sensed the attack and dodged while in midair by using one of the six powers of the Marines, Moon Walk. The Nova siblings were impressed by his senses and skill, but they weren't done yet.

However, before the girls could launch another attack, Who's Who let out a roar and transformed into his hybrid state, gaining more speed and power.

" I don't know why you're protecting Nico Robin but it's time to get serious," stated Who's Who with a menacing voice.

< Fang pistol>

Who's Who unleashed his attack, firing sharp blasts from his fangs toward the sisters. The blasts were fast and deadly but Olivia was able to dodge them with Observation Haki and Qi sense, while Amelia made a cloud cushion to block them.

Nico Robin who was standing behind Amelia, watched the battle in awe and fear. She was amazed by the level of strength the sisters possessed and also scared for their safety.

' Why are they risking their lives to save me?' she wondered silently.

The battle between Lami and Oven raged on and to anyone who was watching it looked like a fight between cold and heat as both fighters were trying to overwhelm each other with their respective elements.

Lami created ice spears that she sent toward Oven while he countered with a powerful wave of heat that melted them instantly. ' Mhm, I still haven't got the hang of using my fruit abilities,' thought Lami as she made more ice spears and sent them toward Oven.

Ace and Ulti stood meters apart both trying to catch their breath as their battle reached a stalemate. They both knew that they needed to finish the fight quickly before they ran out of steam.

' This girl is tough, but I can't let her defeat me,' thought Ace as he looked toward Ulti who was also catching her breath. ' This guy is a stamina freak, how many more blows can he take,' thought Ulti as she analyzed Ace's fighting style.

Deuce and the rest of Ace's crew were also involved in a battle as they tried to fend off the members of the Beast Pirates who were trying to intervene in their captain's fight.

' I hope Azula is holding her own against that other dinosaur guy and that dragon,' thought Deuce as he took out another member of the Beast Pirates with his sword.

Meanwhile, Azula was facing off against Alexia and so far it's been a one-sided battle as Alexia proved to be too much for her to handle.

Azula gritted her teeth as she took another blow from Alexia that caused her to crash into the ground. ' Is this where I meet my second end?' she thought as she struggled to get up.
