A Proposition

Dinner arrived, but Eve had not yet apologized.

Since this was the first time that Susinda joined them for dinner. She knew that the woman hated her but until now, Eve did not know why. This was completely unprovoked!

Was it because she was not able to join the lectures?

It was not exactly her fault, right?

After dinner, Eve was expecting Susinda to approach her, but instead, Ophelia instructed her to go to her study.

"I heard you offended Susinda?" Ophelia asked.

"You do not look so surprised."

"I always knew that your mouth would get you in trouble one day. First Casimir and now an instructor. Perhaps, next time you would offend the prince and lose your head."

Eve's lips twitched at the thought of what had occurred the previous night. The unfortunate turn of events resulted in her vomiting on the prince's coat.

If that didn't cross the line in terms of offending him, then what would?

"Thank you for your concern," Eve uttered.

"This is not out of worry, Eve. This is a warning. Susinda is not a simple woman. Do you think that a human-like her could easily become an instructor to the future bride of the prince if she was some other woman? Not many are given the privilege to stay in this mansion."

Ophelia was clearly telling her to be more careful.

"She has been known for her temper and you should have known better than to challenge her."

"She thought I cheated."

"So, I' ve heard."

"I did not."

"You cannot exactly blame her, can you?"

Eve's pursed her lips. What happened was indeed very suspicious. After all, she did not join the lecture. However, she still thought that Susinda's actions were uncalled for and a bit immature.

A teacher who abused their power to intimidate students was undeserving of respect.

A sigh escaped Ophelia's lips as she looked at her.

"To survive the courtship, it is imperative that you learn to exercise self-control. The power dynamics here are different, and humans are not the same as them. Although Susinda is human, she wouldn't be able to come here if she didn't have any support."

"And why would you reveal this secret to me?" Eve could not help but ask. The fact that someone was backing Susinda was quite obvious from the start.

It was unlikely that someone like her would hold her head high in a vampire's lair without the support of another vampire.

Ophelia could choose to keep this secret and leave Eve be. After all, Eve was currently nothing. Instead, she chose to reveal this information to her.

"Because you saved the lives of many women. What you did back there was commendable."

"Oh please…" Eve snorted. So now, the woman was trying to pretend that she cared about them?

Eve wanted to laugh.

"We are the only room who lost only two women The others… the others were not as fortunate as us," Ophelia said. "Still, this was all a part of the game. I decided to give you this information as payment. Our debts are settled. You are free to do as you please. Whatever it is that you decide to do has nothing to do with me anymore."

"Should I thank you?" Eve asked without hiding the sarcasm in her voice.

"You should not. It was a give-and-take relationship. There is no other meaning behind it."

"Good. I was not intending to do it in the first place." Eve got up and smiled. "Do I have permission to leave?"

"Susinda wanted to talk to you in her study. It is two doors to the left."

Eve nodded and left the room without saying another word. Then she walked two doors to the left and knocked.

The door swung open, and Susinda emerged, draped in black clothing. The equally black scarf on her neck immediately caught Eve's attention.

Susinda smirked. "So you came?"

"You called for me," Eve said.

"I was waiting for the apology."

"I do not think I owe you one."

Almost immediately, Susinda frowned. She cast a wary glance down the hallway, as though checking for eavesdroppers, before beckoning Eve inside.

Curious, Eve walked inside.

"The reports indicate that Miss Lucrecia struggles with reading, to the point of it being a significant issue. You struggled with reading just like how you struggled to write your own name."

Eve knew what was coming next.

"However, the woman who arrived here was different. You are eloquent, graceful and knowledgeable." Miss Susinda narrowed her eyes at her. "You are not Eve Lucrecia, aren't you?"

"I believe you have already forgotten one thing about humans," Eve answered. "We change. We evolve. Did you expect me to stay illiterate my whole life?"

Susinda scoffed. "Let's cut the act. We both know how impossible it was."

Eve said nothing. She knew that the secret would eventually be exposed, but she never imagined it would happen this quickly.

Her luck was simply terrible.

For a moment, Eve wondered if she should just burn this room along with Miss Susinda and the files in her hand. This woman was causing her so much stress that she wished there was another way to make her stop aside from ending her life. For a while, Eve was tempted to start a fire in Susinda's study the moment she left and burn it along with the woman.

However, Ophelia's warnings about the vampire echoed in her head. The last thing Eve wanted was another vampire hovering around her.

One was definitely more than enough.

Moreover, she hadn't yet determined if the Prince had any involvement in the situation.

She couldn't rule out the man's involvement in providing Susinda with the information that she has.

"You look like a cornered cat," Susinda smirked. "I must be right. You did something to the real Eve. Did you kill her to assume her identity?"

When Eve did not answer, Susinda continued. "So, now that we are clear about things. I have a proposition that could potentially save your life."

"A proposition?" Eve lifted an eyebrow. She did not expect this at all.

"I know a few vampires who needed women to accompany them. One of them needs a blonde… with an angelic appearance. I believe you would perfectly suit him."

Eve blinked.

What was this woman talking about?