
"Are you not worried about Henrik?" Eve asked as Max twirled her around, his firm grasp guiding her movements. He pulled her back into his arms, his hand resting gently on her lower back.

"Eyes..." Maximilian said, his gaze locked on her.

Eve raised an eyebrow, feigning innocence. "Will you remind me why we are dancing without music?" She knew the true reason behind their music-less dance sessions. It was Max's way of using the pretext of practice to improve her posture and grace.

She couldn't help but feel that Max was deliberately diverting her attention from the grimoire. Was she allowing herself to be swayed by his distractions? Yes, she was. Did she have a choice? Perhaps.

"He will not die," Max finally answered, breaking the silence that hung between them. His voice held a hint of reassurance.

Eve glanced at Max, her curiosity piqued. "How can you be so sure?"