Matrix and Elves

Finally, the bonding had been completed. Eve gazed at the sunrise, her expression a mixture of awe and complexity. In a matter of hours, she would be united in marriage with Max. It was still surreal to her that she had inhabited this body for several months now. What was even more astounding was that she was now going to marry a race she had once held in disdain.

"Guess what just occurred," Max's voice broke her reverie.

"Do you find pleasure in surprising people?" she inquired, raising an eyebrow as she turned slightly. The sunlight touched Max's face, yet he displayed no signs of discomfort or flinching. His response was a simple chuckle.

"Did something noteworthy transpire?" she asked, noting his unusually good mood. He paused, his gaze lingering on her for a moment.

"Indeed. Something significant happened," he replied before shifting his attention toward the sun.