Chapter 30

Davien's P. O. V

I liked him?

The audacity of his words made me laugh, I pulled away and took a good look at him, checking to see if he was serious about the nonsense he just spewed. But he had a dead serious face, it was almost as if he was certain he was right.

Combing my fingertips through my hair I cocked a grin, "Don't get ahead of yourself there, I was only trying to piss you off."

"Because initiating physical contact is one of the many ways to arouse my anger." He retorted sternly, pissing me off.

I clicked my tongue, "Is that right? Then how about you? Are you going to deny you don't feel attracted to me?" If he was going to spin this web of lies, there's nothing stopping me from doing so.

"I am attracted to you." Kian responded evenly.

"See, you can't…wait what?" Did Kian just admit to being attracted to me. And why was my heart thumping like crazy.

He walked forward, "I said I am attracted to you Davien Moore, your habits, body movements are all appealing to me." he said again, making sure I got the message.

It wasn't the first time that I had been confessed to, but for some reason I didn't want to brush his words aside. I felt elated hearing that someone like Kian was smitten with me.

"Kian, I really do appreciate the sentiment, but just like my previous mates, I don't have any interest in forming a romantic relationship with anyone. You should be with someone who will value you…" I was saying, but the perplexed look he was sporting made me think otherwise.

Slowly I reverberated, "You are in love with me, right?"

Kian flattened his brows, "I never said that. Lust and love are two sides of a coin, and I'm not flipping to the other side." He flat out said with no change in his heartbeat whatsoever that could point out he was lying.

This damned kid.

Narrowing his eyes at me he went on to say, "You're attractive I'll give you that, but I don't feel any sort of attachment to you. We're both using each other until we're able to fulfill our individual goals. Isn't that the premise of this cohabitation?" His tone turned cold and his eyes grew distant.

Cohabitation? Using? It had never occurred to me that Kian saw our relationship in that sort of light. He was rather guarded and I was busy playing the fool in the scenario.

But not for much longer. "I agree, until we both achieve our purpose, let's continue using each other." I said then stretched out my hand to him.

He eyed it suspiciously, I rolled my eyes, "It's just a handshake."

"I'm aware." He admitted sorely, then shrugged his shoulders and accepted the offer. The moment his hand touched mine, I pulled his body closer to mine, then wrapped my free arm across his waist, preventing him from running away.

He furled his lips into a displeased frown, "What's the meaning of this?"

I took a quick whiff of his scent, "Damn, your scent is stronger when you're aroused." I moaned softly, gripping his waist firmly, maintaining my gaze with his fiesty blue orbs.

"You're one to talk." He retorted, "You've been aroused ever since we stepped into the room." Kian sharply noted.

I didn't deny it, instead I trailed my hand from his waist to his sides, highlighting his curve with my fingertips.

"What do you think you're doing touching me so casually?" Kian's voice came out as an uneven mix of irritation and restraint, the former just a tad greater than the latter.

There was a bed right behind me, one that if I threw the pup on I could take my sweet time relishing every inch of his body, memorizing every scent of his. The thought of it forced my lips into a mischievous grin.

Kian hissed, "Don't get cocky, I never said anything about wanting to do it with you." He said in hopes to discourage me. But that sultry tone of his made me even more adamant on wanting to see how far his patience ran.

I slipped my hand under his shirt, making contact with his warm skin. My chest tightened at how he bit his lip and closed his eyes upon contact.

The little vixen.

"Are you certain, what that face you're making, it's hard to tell if you're being honest with me." My hands snaked up to the small of his back, in response he curled his back and let out a small wince.


I bit my lip at all the things I could do to make him make that sound again. Wish I had this on recording.

My palm continued to explore, until it glided over a rough and uneven surface. I raised a brow at the jagged texture that caught the ridges of my palm.

"Kian is this…"

Kian swiftly pushed me away and took two steps back at the realization of what I had discovered. His hands naturally held onto his sides, as he crouched down in a squat.

"That was a…"

"Don't say anything." He quietly whispered, I wouldn't have heard it if my hearing was above par.

I made gentle strides towards him but he shot me a look which wasn't a glare or a mean mug. His eyes watered, and for the first time I saw my mate afraid.

"Davien…please go away." His hands guarded the sides of his face, if he just closed his eyelids tears would surely leak out. But he kept them open, as though he were afraid to even shut them for a second.

He went feral on instinct.

No, someone had made him this way.

Someone who'd be a dead man if ever I found him.

"I'm just outside." As a last resort I took off the sweater I had on and calmly draped them on his shoulders, then quietly turned around and made for the door.

Author's Note: Today is Author's Birthday so suprise mass release of five chapters coming now! Enjoy!