Chapter 38

Davien's P. O. V

The entire packhouse was asleep when we left the estate, we left in my car and drove down to the woods, which was loosely guarded around this time. Considering it was the annual hunt, we lowered security to allow the animals gather freely.

I pulled over at a cluster of trees near the riverside, it was my personal favorite place to shift. The glistening river which flowed through the inner forest, the leaves which made a crisp sound when stepped on, and the scent of Bark and Earth which lingered in the air, carried by cool the westward wind.

"We're here." I announced stealing a glance at Kian, he made a hmm sound in response, and kept his sharp gaze on the water in front of him.

My eyes noticed the way his fingers clutched onto the seatbelt with an unwillingness to part with it. Was he scared? That didn't sound like him, but then again, lately I felt like Kian was shedding layers of himself he didn't want anyone to know about.