Chapter 49

Davien's P. O. V

Father sat on his desk holding a freshly printed document in hand, and a scowl on his face. Seated next to him was a bottle of whiskey and two glasses. He stared at me, then at Kian, sizing him up from head to toe.

For what felt like an eternity he kept silent, keeping me on edge over what was in his hand, just what sort of documents did he want to show me?

My question was answered shortly after when father levelled his eyes on me, "Davien, this here is my retirement document, with my signature already on it. I want you to sign on it, taking over as the new chairman of Moore group." He said, flashing the papers before my eyes, like a fisherman would dangle bait in front of his prey.

There was definitely a catch to this.

"I don't assume you'll let me become chairman so easily." I stated, he smiled, "Good to know you're simplistic only in face." He referenced to my expressiveness, reminding me of my flaw.