Chapter 52

Davien's P. O. V

I inhaled the refreshing scent from the water, vividly reminded of the memories I had when I used to visit this place on a regular basis. Surprisingly, I don't believe I had ever brought anyone here to hook up with, it was my thinking place, my safe space.

"Come on, follow me." I stretched my hand out to him once more descending the alleviated grounds we were on.

After assessing the ground level with his eyes, Kian sighed in defeat and placed his hands in mine. A grin crept onto my face, accompanied by a devilish idea.

Pushing my luck, I pulled him to myself with a bit more force disrupting his balance. Kian widened his eyes in utter bewilderment as his body unceremoniously fell forward.

"Davien fucking…." His curse was cut short by the sound of the ground beneath my feet giving way, forcing my heels to tumble backwards, propelling my body towards the ground.