Chapter 56

Davien's P. O. V

I'm sorry what? Did Kian just propose to me? And while I was in prison nonetheless…well technically not prison but still, a theme park holding cell was not the ideal place to be asking that sort of question.

"Don't get me wrong, it's not like I want to marry you. It's just that moving forward we need a binding thread that links us together for the time being. So let's get married." He explained, not making much sense to me.

"But still, isn't getting married a bit too much?"

"I'm not going to beg you to. But just in case something like this ever happens again, wouldn't it be better to flash your marriage certificate as proof instead?" He referenced, drawing my mind back to our little fall out earlier.

Just before I could give my response the door to the office was pushed open, and in came a man in his mid thirties, sporting a stubble beard, and had his fingers combed into the locks of his honey brown hair.