Chapter 141

Davien's P. O. V

I hadn't expected Daphne to spring that on me, I knew Zach was a bastard to say the least, but to have his own pack trafficked for some worthless drug was borderline evil.

"Are you sure about that?"

She nodded, "I heard it all from Renold last night, he was drunk, so he ended up saying more than he wanted, perhaps." She responded, suddenly sounding scatterbrained.

"Perhaps?" She wasn't even sure about this?

"I mean, I couldn't tell if he wanted me to know or not, considering the circumstance at the time. He must've said it to break my will power completely so he could do…" Her eyes darkened at the recollection of her encounter with Renold last night.

Her skin was pale, but not because of her sickly self, there was something she was holding back, the reason why Daniel was so insistent with this marriage.