Chapter 143

Davien's P. O. V

After hearing what Daphne had to say, I was convinced that Renold was a true bastard, for trying to force himself on her, and for spilling the truth like that. But more importantly, my thoughts were spiraled around what Daphne planned to do next.

"You must be wondering why I'm even telling you any of this. Or, if what I'm saying is even true, for all you know I could be lying to get your favor or something…" She rambled in a quieter tone, already at a loss for strength.

"Daphne," I reached out to her and cupped her left cheek, "It's okay, tell me, what do you want?" If I were in her shoes, I don't think any amount of reassuring words would console me.

Not after learning that I was the driving motive behind innocent children getting trafficked. Her willingness to even share this with me was impressive.