Chapter 233

Kian's P. O. V

At first, I thought that this was all for show, although father was a scum bag, he wasn't a monster who would starve his daughter. Maybe they would hide her away in a room, fooling the rest of the pack into thinking he was punishing her.

Which was why I didn't make much of it when I went to clean her bedroom windows and she wasn't there. Nor did I think too much when I gazed out my room window at the training grounds, but couldn't find her there.

Two days passed like nothing has happened. No one asked about Silvia, in fact everyone acted like she wasn't even a part of our lives.

I tried to sleep it off, but at night I couldn't fight back the nightmares that haunted me, there was a vivid picture in my mind of Silvia, locked away in the dungeon room, hungry and scared.

It was my fault. She was in this mess because of me.