A martyr

"Am I going to die today?" Will they finally get rid of a waste like me? A young girl asked herself with a sigh.

She turned her almost empty gaze to contemplate this same setting that she would surely never see again. She was looking at herself, lying on a hospital bed in a pristine white room, filled with cameras in every corner. The girl herself was adorned with all sorts of sensors. She was on high surveillance, the least of these facts were recorded and treated scrupulously. His brain, cell activity, pulse, blood flow, carbohydrate or even hormone levels in his body were all on watch.

Why was she undergoing such treatment? What had she had to be scrupulously observed, that the slightest breathing, the slightest heartbeat was monitored?

Well, to understand that, you have to go back about four years. It was necessary to learn about the past of a martyr, of an incredibly weak and pitiful girl that men broke.

This girl was born into a loving family, with wonderful parents. She lived a happy life in the first nine years since her birth. But one day, his parents were brutally murdered before his eyes by a pyromancer who reduced them to ashes and then left like the wind.

She didn't know why, that day that pyromancer hadn't killed her, at least like that, she wouldn't have experienced all that. Because on this unfortunate day, it was the beginning of his ordeal.

After the death of her parents, she was sent to some orphanage, and even went to therapy to deal with the trauma she experienced on that fateful day. This orphanage was not something common, she felt very uncomfortable there, although fed and lodged.

This discomfort increased even more when she looked at the director of the orphanage. And it was only much later that she discovered that behind those smiles he gave her and the other young girls were dirty and malicious intentions. Indeed, she was barely twelve years old when this repulsive man set his sights on her.

"You owe me that, don't you?" After all, I've fed you, housed you, cared for you for the past three years. You can thank me with that nice body you have, can't you? The Headmaster whispered to her as he slid his dirty hands over her.

How could anyone be so repulsive? She wondered. The worst was that she couldn't say anything. Despite her cries for help, it was as if no one heard her. That bastard silenced her with his abilities. And so, unable to say anything to anyone, she sank into another intense trauma, much more virulent than the previous one.

After more than a year, having been tired of her, the director being also a link in a large network of human trafficking, sold her to a team of mad scientists carrying out prohibited research.

These people were experimenting with humans as guinea pigs to recreate the special abilities of Espers, superhumans.

Indeed, in this world, there were those who had been blessed with supernatural abilities named Espers. The latter could then handle fire, wind, lightning or even have telekinetic powers and many others. These abilities seemed to have appeared out of nowhere. But these scientists had every intention of unraveling the secret behind the abilities of the Espers. Moreover, they had discovered that the Espers possessed a particular genetics after they had scrupulously studied and dissected them. These were special parts in the genome different from an average human, so the scientists wanted to isolate these so they could artificially create their own Espers.

To do this, they then had to rewrite the human genome, and had to go through various dark means. To this end, they carried out various experiments. As a result, the scientists concluded that it would indeed be possible to create an artificial Esper ability. However, the success percentage would only be on the order of approximately 0.000001%.

Therefore, they began to look for "volunteers", no matter where they came from.

In all of this, our victim was chosen, she had the "honor" of participating in an experience that was going to revolutionize the world, they said. But she was not fooled. Against her will, she was once again abused, used as a little white mouse.

Did they still have common sense, a good conscience? she wondered. Why were they doing such a thing, such an abominable thing? Were they still human? She kept wondering.

The day of the operation, the day when she might be chosen as "chosen" had arrived.

On this day, she had to undergo the test of rewriting her genome. If she survived this, she would be changed forever. But for that, she was going to suffer the most excruciating pain possible. Pain like this would even force you to stay awake despite the human body's natural reflex to extreme pain.

Men in white arrived and took him to the operating room.

Arrived there, she was infused on all sides. He was administered an unknown substance into his body. Upon penetration, the transformation began.

She felt like many worms crawling under her skin, in her muscles, in her bones. Then, she felt as if each of these parts were destroyed and then rebuilt.

It was genetic rewriting.

A process that brought indescribable and unimaginable pain. Such pain that even the most masochistic - could not accept.

Can you imagine the pain that such a thing can cause?

For the girl, it was as if all her organs, and even her whole body were burning. It was as if she were a block of iron being struck to reforge it into something else.

It was as if it were a fully built house with a master plan already written, but suddenly the architect decided to destroy everything to rebuild identically with the addition of a basement.

Indeed, that was the genetic rewrite.

A process where a being was modified from these roots.

An unnatural process, where man wanted to take himself for a god.

The fourteen-year-old girl could feel indescribable pain. No matter how much she cried, cried all the tears in her body until she was dehydrated - it didn't lessen the pain.

She had to endure this pain for almost a year, day after day, her body was overcome with severe pain. His mind almost going mad from so much pain. His mind was becoming hazy, his memories hazy. She fell into a coma, but scientists did everything to keep her alive. After all, she was their "chosen one". Many of their 'volunteers' had already perished by this point in pain, but this girl was resisting fiercely so how could they let her die.

With their effort and the girl's immense willpower, her condition stabilized.

At the end of the experiment, the scientists were amazed, after more than five thousand failures, only one success seemed to have been declared.

When tests were carried out on our chosen one, her genome certainly showed changes very close to those of the Espers.

She was truly their chosen one.

Scientists called it "the Altered".

Unfortunately, they quickly realized that the experience was not without consequences. Indeed, our Altered had now lost the use of her legs, and her upper part was almost as affected. Despite this, the scientists remained optimistic, because this is their first success.

So they conducted further tests.

Three months later, the verdict fell. The scientists had concluded that a lot of strange things were happening to the Corrupted. First, in his body, especially in his legs, it was as if his cellular activity was put into stasis. Also, it seemed that despite this particular state, his cells became more lively. It was as if they were storing energy.

Despite conducting many tests, no answer was found. Only the theory remained that an Esper could learn/discover their powers under the effect of imminent danger of death. Thus decided, they were going to pass the "last test" to the Altered; if she succeeded, so much the better, but if not...

And here we are again. In this white room, this immaculate prison, prison in which the Altered was locked up and watched.

Then the girl again saw men dressed in white entering her prison. But she knew it wasn't a courtesy visit.

This is why some time later, the Altered was thrown into a pit of about fifty meters, this pit was filled with mutant worms, devourers of flesh, a failed experiment on the evolution of the genome.

These creatures were extremely voracious and ruthless, if the Tainted faced them, she wouldn't stand a chance unless a miracle happened.

The creatures crawled towards her, drawing their quick fangs to tear her flesh. In no time, the filthy creatures closed in on her. And then...

*Chrunch! Chrunch!

When the teeth of the vile creatures began to pierce her flesh, the girl could feel a wave of pain assail her.

Despite this, she remembered, was this pain great? Was she that big? Could she compare herself to what she has experienced so far? Of course not ! So how could she not overcome that? How could she give up? He had so much left to do.

So how could she want to die now and this way? No, under no circumstances should she die in such a dishonorable situation!

If she were to die, it would be trying to kill all those motherfuckers who put her through all this pain. Let it be the scientists, the director of the orphanage and that fucking pyromancer!

Thus, the girl crawled, despite the many worms that had clung to the latter. She crawled on her skinny arms to approach the only ladder she was going to use to get out of there. She crawled and crawled with all her meager strength to escape and stay alive, despite the flesh eaters clinging to her and giving her intense pain, but it was nothing. Nothing worse that she hadn't already experienced. So she gritted her teeth, her face contorting in pain.

Unfortunately, she knew she wouldn't reach the ladder. No matter how much she crawled, it wasn't going to get her anywhere. But she had to move.

— Move! she told herself.

— Move! Move! She cried to herself as she saw the worms pounding on her already bruised body.


She was screaming her words in her mind, not wanting to die until she had put these people through the pain she had been through.


Screaming, and screaming, it seemed like something inside her changed.

Like chains ever tightened to this day, now they were slowly untying.

And then...


He had a loud bang.

* Crack Crack!

The three-meter-thick reinforced concrete walls broke. There was great chaos. But as the dust settled, scientists watching the situation stood in awe. For in the midst of it stood a young girl, her hair blowing in the wind.

This young girl he had named the Altered had just demonstrated, for the very first time, her abilities.

And what that would entail no one could have imagined at the present time.