
The Tainted could see a horrifying creature in front of her.

The creature had no face, or rather it looked as if its face had been sewn up with skin tissue. It made it absolutely awful, on that stitched face no character could be made out. Also, the creature stood like a four-legged beast. The abomination also had a tail filled with blade-like protrusions.

He was literally a monster. An abominable creature.

But he was also someone once. Someone who hadn't had the same luck as her.

— Good, good. As you can see, this individual is one of the unfortunate errors in our selection process. Unlike you, these individuals couldn't resist the Alteration, and their genomes rearranged in strange ways. Our volunteers have lost their minds and their appearances have become those of abominations who think only of killing everything that moves. What a sad fate to end like this, which is why you must put an end to its pitiful and pointless existence. It is no longer of any use to us. The study of its genome does not lead to anything relevant. At least we hope it helps you progress. The voice said listlessly, not changing its pitch throughout the words.

— Well, let the test begin. May you progress. For the evolution of mankind. Yall Dim Aizmer. — The voice ended.

Then, a shrill sound was emitted. And the abomination that stood still at the beginning started to go mad as it rushed at the girl. The girl froze for a moment as this thing rushed towards her.

"What... what is that thing!" The girl's legs were shaking.

The figure standing on all fours quickly ran towards her.

"How can I face such an abomination!" The girl was scared, she was scared.

"Come on ! Move, or you will die! The girl thought to herself and leapt aside as the blade-tailed abomination lunged at her. She dodged the attack and ran to put some distance between herself and the creature.

"Stay on your guard, watch how they move, watch, watch! " The girl was screaming at herself.

Trying to stay on those guards. His mind was racing. And without her knowing it, her body was beginning to change to guarantee her survival. Adrenaline was pumping through his blood, his heart rate quickening.

Also, that energy that seemed dormant in his body awoke. The energy inside her began to move through her body. And then before his eyes, a new vision was superimposed on his usual one.

Surprised by this, she stopped for a moment, allowing her assailant to reach her. She was struck by the abomination's tail, and was thrown on her side, crashing into a wall. She was hurt and spat out a mouthful of blood.

"What... what was that." The girl wondered looking at her hands. the Tainted could see a milky white energy emanating from her body. It was like white smoke emanating from his body. She remained a moment dumbfounded in front of this scene. But she recovered quickly.

The girl looked at the abomination and noticed that there was also like smoke emanating from the body of the creature. But here it was different. The smoke emanating from the chimera had a dark appearance. She looked scarlet. The girl didn't know what that meant but soon she noticed something else. As the abomination was ready to pounce on her, it was as if that smoke was already heading where it was going to land.

A bell rang in his mind. She realized that she might be able to use this fact to be able to predict the beast's attacks. However, knowing if she could actually avoid it was something she had to test.


Scientists observed the situation from another place, it spoke a lot between them.

— Have you seen that? — A scientist asked the other crowd.

— Yes, it seems the Tainted is able to predict the Chimera's attacks.

— Indeed, the more time passes, the better and better she manages to dodge the attacks of Chimera 006.

— Oh ! Do you think his Alteration gives him a glimpse into the future? — The female scientist, Professor Heren asked excitedly.

— If it was, that would be a good thing. However, do not forget this kind of unknown energy wave that the Tainted emitted during the incident of the pit, and very recently. A voice spoke, and it was the same voice that had been speaking to the Tainted all along.

— You are right, Professor Craeven. We need to do more testing. Another man nodded to Professor Craeven – that up-and-coming young scientist who had joined them recently.

— Professor Craeven, do you think the Tainted can survive this ordeal? — The middle-aged man wearing a monocle - Professor Unity asked Craeven.

— Indeed, Professor Unity, I think she could come out of this ordeal brilliantly. I even believe that we will be surprised. — Professor Craeven said calmly looking at the screen that showed the girl.

— Is that your instinct? — Professor Unity asked as Professor Craeven nodded gently. Seeing this answer he continued: Very well, we will see that, and in any case, it is already beginning. Let's see if your intuition is right.

— Ohoh, Chimera 006 will soon use his abilities! It will be interesting! All the scientists smiled mischievously following the events.


The girl had gained confidence. She was now getting better and better at dodging every attack of the abomination. But suddenly, before her eyes, she noticed the smoke of the diminished creature, she didn't know what it meant but she soon learned it. Indeed, in the following moments, she noticed that the creature stopped in its motion. Its tail began to glow, and then the blades present on its extremities were launched at high speed at it. The girl was way too slow to dodge this time, it looked like this attack was going to get the better of her.

— NOOO! the girl stretched out her arms in front of her for protection, and as if following her unconscious commands the energy within her began to stir.

The next moment, the projectiles that had been thrown at him were stopped mid-flight as if an invisible force was holding them. Staring in front of her, dazed, it seemed that the energy escaping from her body had formed a kind of misty wall. The latter stood between her, the projectiles, and the chimera. The projectiles fell stopped in their tracks by the misty wall which seemed to withdraw afterwards.

The creature looked disturbed that its attack hadn't worked, so it decided to repeat its actions. Its tail began to glow again, as it swung the blades on it detached again, streaking at their designated target.

The girl felt in danger again, panicked she tried to call the energy to protect her again.

Unfortunately, this was not the case this time, it was as if she was constantly fleeing. The girl couldn't stabilize her. As a result, this time the misty wall activated and blocked the creature's strikes but it wasn't as stable as the previous one - allowing a few blades to pass through. Luckily, although they broke through her protective wall, they hadn't really hurt her. She just had a few shallow wounds, bruises here and there.

She looked at the creature in front of her with hatred, then the flames in those eyes died down. The girl had focused on something, her hatred should not be turned on this chimera, a collateral victim in this story. But his hatred had to be burned even more towards the real culprits, the scientists. In fact, it was their entire fault. They were the ones who had engineered all this.

"I will fight, not for their goodwill but for me, for us." The girl says to herself.

She stopped, took a deep breath. His mind calmed down. The beast that was looking at her decided to launch its attack again. Then the blades were thrown once more but this time would be the last. In a fraction of a second the girl searched inside her, for the power. This energy that would run through it. She soon found it and like second nature, or an extension of her body, the girl used energy.

"Come on, like last time, let's put an end to this!" She screamed.

Energy abounded from her and exploded outward. It was violently released from his body and spread everywhere around. The chimera was in its path and was not spared. The energy violently threw the chimera on the solid wall leaving a more or less deep crater there. The chimera had been mutilated by the energy, she had multiple severe wounds, her blood oozing on the floor. The chimera then fell from the crater, she had perished.

The girl who watched the result of her actions made a silent prayer, lowering her head and closing her eyes.

"I can promise you that I will settle their account to all!" She said as she stroked the creature's carcass, this former human not having emerged unscathed from the Alteration.


At the same time, on the side of scientists.

— Splendid ! What a magnificent sight! — The scientists screamed in wonder at the scene.

— Professor Craeven, it seems your hunch was correct. It even exceeded our expectations! Professor Heren said to the man who sat calmly still staring at the screen. However, Craeven had not caught a word of what Professor Heren had just said.

— Professor Craeven? — Professor Heren says.

— Professor Craeven, are you all right? — This time it was the middle aged man, Professor Unity who addressed the young scientist.

— Sorry, I was lost in thought. Craeven replied.

— What troubles you so much, it's time for celebrations. Professor Unity says.

— You are right, please excuse me. Craeven said preparing to get up.

— It's nothing, rest a while, someone else will take your place. After all it was a hard day. — Professor Unity advised.

— You are right, I will follow your advice. Professor Craeven had finally risen and was about to leave the observation room. But he paused for a moment to meet the Altered's gaze through the screen. He saw a look so sharp it made him shiver.

— Such a look? — He wondered. He gave a very slight smile before leaving.
