The Aftermath(2)

Three days had passed since the Oldman, Aralion Stromblade, rescued me and Zephyr from exile, but it took me a while to fully comprehend the magnitude of what had transpired. As the reality sunk in, I realized that our escape wasn't the only event that unfolded. The disciplinary committee, led by the formidable Professor Joshua, wasted no time in investigating our case, uncovering our illegal trespass into the forbidden grounds of the academy.

The forbidden grounds, also known as the Black Forest, were shrouded in an aura of mystery and danger. The dense foliage and ancient trees hosted innumerable monsters, which were both powerful and cruel. The branches of the towering trees reach out like gnarled fingers, warning intruders of the consequences they would face. And the academy had made the black forest into a forbidden zone to ensure the safety of the students.

Zephyr and I had trespassed into such a place, so the repercussion of such actions wasn't small.