Chapter 11





This chapter gets pretty dark, I will put a warning before the worst of it for those of you who can't handle heavy topics.


I opened the door and looked in with my weapons ready. The room was dark with the only source of light being from the hallway behind me. After scanning the area quickly, I noticed that there were over ten empty beds in the room, with most of them looking messy. Storage lockers could be seen next to each of the beds with a basic lock on them. Ignoring the locks, I walked into the room farther and noticed an open door to my left, inside was a fairly large bathroom with multiple closed showers and toilets. It wasn't hard to guess this was a barracks of sorts for the pirates.

I quickly cleared the room and confirmed it was empty, not bothering waste time clearing the lockers yet, the looting can be done once I'm done. I went back out into the hallway and looked back towards the barricade double checking that no other pirates had snuck up. While I was looking over them, my gaze stopped at the two pirates I had killed using the spear.

'Why is this not affecting me... I never killed anyone before... The plasma gun wounds sure, there's no blood. It's more like when you see people die on the game, the only thing that makes it so feel so real would be the smell of my mask didn't filter it… The blood though? Hah, I'll think about this later…'


WARNING, Dark scene ahead, you've been warned. If you can't read heavy topics, skip until you see this same warning ending the scene!


Clearing my head I walk over to the only door left on this side of the ship, behind it, I can hear the sound of a young girl crying. I quickly burst open the door and raised my pistol, shooting at the half-naked man who was standing with his back facing me. My shot pierced right through his skull, making him drop limply to the ground.

I looked down and saw a young girl, who doesn't even look like a teen yet, with nothing but her underwear covering her, kneeling on the ground. Thankfully, I made it before anything happened. Still, I grimaced inside and set my spear leaning against the wall and holstered my pistol. I analyzed the room quickly, noticing this is a bedroom for a single person, likely one of the pirates with a higher ranking, maybe even the captains right hand. There is a maid uniform torn lying on the ground and a tray with food thrown about. Ignoring them, I found what I was looking for, which is the bed sheet, and I ripped a decent amount of it off and walked over to the still kneeling and sobbing girl. I wrapped the bedsheet around her and she grabbed it, burying herself inside."You're okay, I'm a mercenary, no one is going to hurt you anymore… Come on, let's move you somewhere else, okay sweetie?" I said in the gentlest tone I could, even detaching my mask so it doesn't alter my voice.

She gives a very slight nod as I put my mask back on and gently pick her up with one arm. She trembled and started crying much harder than before into my shoulder. I grab my spear in my other hand, my grip tightened hard enough on the shaft that it would've bent if it weren't made with Fulcrium.


Dark scene over, however be aware it will still be referenced in the next few paragraphs.


I leaned out of the room to make sure it's clear. Seeing that it is, I walk over to the other side where the barracks was and took her to the cleanest looking bed. After gently setting her down, I kneeled next to her and took of my mask once more, "I'm gonna go get someone real quick to watch over you while I help the rest of the people, okay?"

Her hands shot out, gripping my arm as tightly as she could. "P-please don't leave me!"

My gaze softened, "Don't worry, I'm not going far, I'll be right back, I promise." I told her gently.

She looked up at me with red eyes with tears still flowing, "O-okay." She quietly whispered as she released me and curled up into a ball on the bed, hugging her knees.

I walk out of the room with a dark look on my face and back into the first room where I found the woman at. I stepped into the room and looked at the corner I left her in. She looked up in fear when I walked in, but quickly relaxed when she recognized me. "I need your help, follow me." I spoke and walked into the hallway without waiting for a response. A few seconds later, she hesitantly walked out and stood close to me. As I led her to the barracks, I explained in short what I found, and how I needed her to care and watch over the girl.

When she heard what happened, her hand shot up to her mouth, covering her sobs. Before we walk in, I grab her shoulder firmly and make her look at me, "I know it's terrible, but she doesn't need someone to pity her right now. She needs someone to be there for her. Don't let her see you crying or pitying her." I said in a firm tone.

The woman nodded and composed herself hearing my words. I nodded when I saw that, and walked into the room and crouched next to the bed where the girl was curled up. She was still tensed and awake, so I spoke, "Hey, I brought this kind lady to watch over you while I go save everyone else alright?"

Hearing me, she looked up from her knees and looked at the woman next to me. Her eyes quickly went to the space collar and then back to me before she nodded and curled back up. I gestured the woman over, who promptly sat down next to the girl and began stroking her hair and whispering comforting words to her.

"I'll be back, I'm going to close the door and put a lock on it. No one will be able to get in but me, but you two won't be able to leave either, alright?" I told the two who nodded. The woman pulled the girl into the hug, who quickly fell asleep in her embrace. I step out of the room and close the door, locking it and grabbing my weapons. 'Alright, I'm slaughtering all these pirates. No more practice…' I thought grimly as I make my way further into the ship.