12 - ZARA

When we arrived in Italy, I could feel the heat hit my face, just like I anticipated it to. It was such a sexy feeling. I allowed myself to take in the atmosphere, and immerse myself in my surroundings. Italy looked so gorgeous, I already didn't want to leave.

"So, what now, Dad?" I asked, as we made our way out of the airport.

"I'm calling a cab to drive us to our holiday home," Dad explained.

I nodded in response. He took his phone out of his pocket, dialing in a number, before holding his phone against his ear.

"Yes, Antonio, I have arrived," Dad said down the line. "I am waiting for you to bring a driver, as we agreed. Don't be late."

He hung up the phone bitterly, shoving it back into his pocket. I took out my own phone, playing Temple Run whilst we waited for the driver, feeling like we'd been waiting for an eternity.


After half an hour, a black car with tinted windows pulled up to the curb. I furrowed my eyebrows, a little confused, because it didn't look like a taxi. I just assumed it to be one of Dad's friends or business associates coming to pick us up.

We got into the car, and the person began to drive. He had brown skin, black hair, green eyes, and a rugged, scruffy appearance. He was wearing a black jacket paired with black jeans, and he had a serpent tattoo on his neck.

"Very beautiful…" he murmured, as he stared at me through the rear-view mirror with a predatory regard. "Very beautiful."

I could feel bile swim in my stomach, uncomfortable with the comments he was making towards me.

"Don't speak like that about my fucking daughter," Dad snarled.

"Now, now, Khalid…" the man smirked, cocking his head to the side, with a threatening tone in his voice, "there's no need to speak like that to me. Remember your motherfucking place."

Dad swallowed, sweating profusely, as the man pushed his foot down on the accelerator, driving faster.

"Y – yes," Dad gulped. "Sorry, Antonio."

Antonio let out a low chuckle, amused at my father's fear. There was such a thick tension in the air, that you could cut it with a knife.

What the hell was going on?

Who was this man, and why was he threatening my father?

I needed some damn answers.

I could feel my heart thump against my chest into a frenzy. I stared out of the window, willing time to move faster.

Wishing that the man would just hurry up and drop off me and Dad to our holiday house.

But hours passed, and soon, there was no daylight in the sky anymore. It was reaching sunset, and it made me wonder where the hell we were going, that was taking us this long to arrive there. Dad didn't say a word for the rest of the entire journey. He looked like his heart was in his throat.

I had a terrible feeling about this.

A terrible feeling that my dad was in some sort of trouble.

After a few moments, the car suddenly screeched to a halt. I stared out of the window, to see that we'd arrived at a shipment port.

Perhaps this was where Dad would be attending to business. He was probably collecting Oud fragrances and packages…

Why else would we be at a shipment port?

I nodded to myself, feeling relieved that the tense car ride had finally come to an end.

"Out of the car. Now," Antonio snapped, unlocking the doors.

Me and Dad made our way out of the car, Antonio following suite.

But as soon as I stepped foot onto the ground…

I could feel myself let out a blood-curdling scream, as I clapped my hands to my face in horror.

A terrifying, broad man grabbed hold of me by my hair, dragging me away from the car with such a force, that I could feel my head searing with agony.

Dad coughed out a low sob, all of the color draining out of his face, hardly able to look me in the eye.

I could feel heat roaring through my body, in a state of confusion, in a state of fucking shock.

And then the words that I heard spoken next…

Caused my blood to run cold.

Feeling like I was suffocating.

Like the walls were closing in on me…

And I couldn't breathe.

I couldn't fucking breathe.

"Nice to see you brought your beautiful girl… Just like we agreed," said the broad man, cocking his head to the side, the corners of his lips curling upwards into a smirk.