21 - ZARA

I tried my best to eat the pizza in front of me, but it was proving to be more and more difficult.

I felt sick…

The words of Aurora replaying themselves over and over to me in my head, like a form of motherfucking torture.

Knowing that it was just a matter of time now, and there was no saving myself from marrying Marcello.

He'd forced me to come to a restaurant with him, in a bid to get to know me better.

The whole time, he was just speaking about himself, like the egotistical bastard he was.

Not caring about me and my life.

Not caring about how I was feeling.

I was wearing a tight black mini-dress, paired with silver jewelry, my hair curled, my make-up done with full glam, with diamond-encrusted high-heels.

Forever having to look the part whenever I went out with him.

I was getting sick and tired of keeping up appearances, when inside…

I was dying.

My eyes darted across the room, and my heart almost stopped beating, as I saw who was standing there.

The same man from the casino.

The man I thought I would never see again.

I could hardly believe my eyes.

I could hardly believe that my mind wasn't just playing tricks on me.

He'd come for me.

As if he'd heard my silent cries for help.

Like a damn miracle.

My heart hammered against my chest. I quickly darted my eyes back to Marcello, not wanting him to notice anything was off.

Not wanting him to see the man at the other side of the room, and compromise everything.

I swallowed down a lump in my throat. It was crazy how I didn't even know this man, yet I was already forming such an attachment to him.

I already cared about him so much.

And he hadn't even said a word to me yet.

My eyes darted back to where he'd been standing, and I noticed that he'd disappeared into the bathroom.

This could be my only chance to speak to him.

I wiped my mouth with a tissue.

"Are you enjoying the food, princess?" Marcello asked, as he drank from his glass of wine.

"Yes," I replied. "It's lovely."

"Only the best for my queen," he rasped.

I let out a forceful laugh, before getting up on my feet, dusting myself of crumbs.

"I'm going to the bathroom," I said. "I'll be back. I'm going to be a while… I need to change my period pad."

I swallowed, hoping that I sounded convincing.

"Okay, my love," Marcello nodded. "I'll be waiting here for you to return."

I nodded back, and then made my way to the ladies lavatories', where I already knew the man was.

My heart thumped against my chest with the anticipation of seeing him.

Wondering what he was going to say to me.

Wondering if he really did plan on helping me.