chapter Twenty-Three-Inigo's Prank Drama

Diego and Inigo entered the house. Inigo sat in a chair while Diego paced the room.

 "I've told you countless times to stop pulling pranks or whatever you do, but you don't listen. The girl you hurt is the sister of the woman I love. How will she see me now?" Diego asked as Inigo stood up.

 "Look, bro, you can love and marry her sister, but I won't leave Lisa alone. Nothing you say will change my mind," Inigo retorted as their father joined them, asking,

 "What's going on here?"

 "It's Inigo, Dad. He's becoming a monster. He's tormenting the sister of the only woman I've ever loved, and I think she won't want to look at my face anymore," Diego complained.

 "I'm not surprised, but this is the height of it all," Simeon said.

Inigo interrupted, "keep your opinions to yourself," and walked out, leaving them speechless.

********************************************************Early in the morning, Lisa woke up and prepared breakfast for herself and her sister. Rachael came down, asking, "what's the occasion?" and smiled.

 "Nothing much. Just wanted to eat with you before I go to school," Lisa replied, and Rachael smiled, saying, "that's my little princess."

 "I'm not little. I'm already big," Lisa chuckled, and they laughed together.

 "Come on, eat fast so that we can leave together," Rachael suggested.

*******************************************************The sunsedo family was eating breakfast together when Simeon noticed Inigo using his hands.

 "Disgusting. Don't you have manners?" he asked, scrunching his nose.

Inigo retorted, "Are you going to let me eat, or should I leave this food for you?"

Diego frustrated, interjected, "what's with you two? Can't you stay together without quarrelling?" he left angrily.

Father and son exchanged hateful glances before standing up and going their separate ways.

********************************************************Lisa arrived at school only to be confronted by Inigo.

 "So you came back? Do you think you're tough? What did you think would happen if you brought your sister and my brother? Did you think they would do anything? Do you think I would let you go after the stunt you played?" he interrogated.

 "I'm still out to get you. Just wait and see," Inigo continued.

Unfazed, Lisa asked, "are you done?" and, after receiving a nod, gestured for him to move aside. Once he did, she walked out.

 "She hasn't learned her lessons yet. I'll deal with her," Inigo scoffed as he left.

*******************************************************Rachael was entering her office when she noticed Diego waiting for her. He stood up as she coughed.

 "I was waiting for you," he said.

 "Yeah, I saw that," she replied, placing her things on the table. "What do you want?" she asked.

 "I'm sorry for what I did yesterday. I know I really disappointed you. I'm really sorry. I don't know how to express it," Diego apologized.

 "Yeah, I know that. You should thank Lisa because she understands you, and I honestly don't know why, but you should really be thankful. I was ready to stop talking to you," Rachael admitted.

 "Send my regards to her," Diego requested.

 "She doesn't need it," Rachael retorted.

 "So, would you come to my office so that we can resume with the project, or should I come to yours," Diego inquired.

 "I'll be going to your office," she said.

 "Okay," he replied, leaving.