chapter Twenty-Six- Trouble at School

Rachael and Diego were still in their little bubble when Rachael sensed something amiss.

 "Is everything okay? Did I go too fast? I'm sorry if I pressured you," Diego said, and she shook her head.

 "No, it's not that. I just feel like something bad has happened somewhere, but I don't know what it is," Rachael explained.

Diego sighed, smiling at her, "you don't have to worry. You're just concerned about Lisa. She's okay, and I'm here now. I won't let anything happen to you," he reassured her.

 "I know," Rachael replied, smiling.

 "So can we go back to what we were doing?" Diego asked, pouting, while Rachael laughed.

 "you know we can't. It's office hours. What if someone comes in?" she asked.

 "No one would dare enter my office without my permission, and I'm the boss, so I can do anything," he insisted.

 "Well, that's for you, not me," she teased.

 "Please, pretty please," he said acting cute, and the she laughed.

 "Are you trying to act cute?" Rachael asked.

 "Is it working?" he pouted some more, and she laughed before her phone rang. She picked it up while Diego groaned

 "You're such a big baby," she told him when she heard Lisa's voice on the other end.

 "Rachael, please come and save me," Lisa cried.

Rachael stood up, looking panicked.

 "What's wrong?" Diego muttered.

 "Where are you, Lisa? Rachael asked.

 "I'm in school. Please come fast," Lisa said before hanging up.

 "What's going on Rachael? Diego asked.

 "Lisa, she's in trouble," Rachael explained, and Diego reassured her. "Come on, let's go over to her. Then we can find out what happened." They left together.

*******************************************************No one dared to help Lisa; they all left her alone in school, fearing becoming the next victim of inigo's cruelty. She was the only person in school when Diego's car stopped. They rushed out, finding Lisa trying to relax against the wall. Rachael shouted, approaching her.

 "What happened to you? Who did this to you?" Rachael asked.

 "Inigo did. He… he did this to me," Lisa said, coughing out blood.

 "There's no time, Rachael. We need to take her to the hospital," Diego said as he carried her, placing her in the car, with Rachael entering the back to be with her sister, while Diego drove, and they left.