On the brink of destruction

Hey guys, we still have a lot of bonus chapters left to post!!

I did say I would be stopping with the Power Stones goals... But you guys really outdid yourselves with the Golden Tickets.

Not that I'm complaining, thank you all very much! I'll keep doing my best.

Though... Cough... We may have to make some alterations to this rewards system...

Otherwise, once the Power stones come back... I'll die.

I'm not kidding, right now, we're already posting more chapters than before with two chapters a week thanks to these bonus chapters.

If Power Stones come back and with the fact, I'll be making those chapters from scratch... I won't be able to keep up.

I would like some ideas on that, but right now, I was forced to make some severe decisions regarding this situation and came up with this:

First, all rewards are not additive, meaning, we can only get one tier for each of the Bonus collums.