




/A few minutes after the meeting…/


"... I'll think about that later..." Dale mumbled out loud with a dark expression 

Thinking about everything that happened not long ago, Dale opened the door towards the backroom of Barme's smith.

"Do you need help with that?" He asked as he held the door open, allowing someone to move through it

It was the owner of the shop, holding a large and heavy box.

"I'm okay, I may be old, but I'm not weak… Huff... My back..."

"In any case... Hopefully this time, we won't have any more interruptions." Barme said as he dropped the box on the ground

/Clap clap.../

Cleaning his hands of the dust, he stretched his back while Dale took a sneak peek inside the box

There wasn't anything interesting inside of it, just a bunch of metallic junk, they'll likely be smelted and recycled into something more useful.