Diagnosis + Hate






Zaw couldn't wait anymore, the suspense was killing him, so he asked slowly:

"How... How is he?..."

'Hopefully, his hand wasn't that heavy...' He thought silently as he he locked his gaze on Yumi

"Hm? Oh, he's fine… For the most part." Yumi replied as her thoughts were interrupted


Zaw swallowed dry, thinking the worst.

"For the most part?... Is there some kind of permanent damage?"

Zaw didn't mind if Fray got a few scars, those were very hard to prevent even in normal sparring sessions…

But mishaps are often inevitable, as even a small hit on the wrong place, let's say, the back, could be enough to destroy one's life as a warrior.

He didn't want Fray to retire before his life even began… To subject him to the despair of losing one's way...

The kid did a lot of bad things, but he can still redeem himself, or so he believed.