A Tribe Of Giants Part 4





Like many would've expected to see, his house wasn't a leather Hut made of the skin and bones of beasts he slew during his life...

It was a fully-fledged stone house shaped like multiple cylinders stacked atop each other, each signifying a floor, with 4 in total.

It stood right at the end of the Council Road, with the other houses left and right of the street likely belonging to the other Elders.

From the outside to the inside Dale saw many items and even some level of technology employed in it, displaying the authority of its owner and importance to the city.

Murals, paintings, and carvings, together with those strange crystals hanging loose all around, decorate this seemingly simple stone structure into what Dale could only call a Manor.

By now he already understood clearly how much hierarchy was necessary for the Karkavan, he just needed to learn how powerful they were now.