The lost Survivors





"The Opicus bird." Testros replied as his expression became serious

Now that he had chosen what to do, he would follow through with it while putting everything he had on the line, so he threw away his doubts and focused on his task at hand.

"Indeed, that is your best shot at reaching the depths within the little time we have left." Kuddan replied as he put a few weights on the map

"There are other options as we domesticated many kinds of creatures… But the skies are your only option…"

"That doesn't mean it'll be easy."

"All kinds of beasts prowl the woods, and they won't take kindly to trespassers into their respective territories, even if it's a bird far in the sky."

"The chances of coming across one that can stop you aren't large, but the odds aren't low either…"

"And in the situation you are compelled to fight… How would you do so far up in the sky?"
