A Moment To Remember Part 6





/Drip… Drip…/

Not long after meeting again, Dale was dragged by Testros into the underground.

Within the dark Root passageways, the search for the lost Expedition party had begun!


"Eww... What did I just step on?" Dale complained as he looked at the ground

'I think that's a mushroom? Why is it so damn viscous?!'


Testros did not reply, it was unlike him, he would've joked a little or told him to pay more attention.

But now, he was completely and utterly silent, and if not for the sound of his steps, Dale wouldn't even know he was there.


'This guy's gloom is darker than the night sky...'

'Time to improvise something.'

"So… Now that we're here…"

"Yes, I'll explain it all." He replied quickly and deeply without changing his gaze, eyes on the road always


'At least he's talking, I call that progress...'