In search of the Lost Expedition Team





"I… Uh... Sigh."

"What were we supposed to find here?" Dale asked as he looked around

He crouched near the edge, looking down.

'Welp... I don't see anything.'

'No matter how good my eyes are, they can't make light on their own.'

'This seems to be a cylindrical hole leading… Somewhere.'

He then raised his head.

There, at the very top of this cavern laid several glowing orbs whose light was so weak it would barely allow a normal person to see their own hands in this darkness.

But it was enough light for Dale to see the ceiling in its entirety, even if not clearly.

'Hum... If I look up, I can seek the ceiling a few dozen meters above... It looks to be made of some sort of metal and not wood due to its unique sheen.'

'Yeah, the surroundings seem, hum... Artificial in a sense.'