The Missing Ruler covets the Throne






Within the Guild, the chattering of voices echoed throughout as the sounds of a heated exchange between many reached Dale's ears as they threw words at each other furiously.

And they didn't seem well intended.

"... That's ridiculous, do you think that's proper in any way?!" Barme said as he slammed his hand on the counter


Two groups of people stood on opposite sides, one close to the center of the hall where the counter stood, consisting of all of Resko's ordinary Elders.

On the other side, a group of various people, some he had never seen before but could somewhat infer who they were.

Likely the representatives of the Survivors, or better put, refugees.

Because now, they were strangers in a land they did not belong to, fleeing from a place they did not wish to stay.

And by the looks of it, they were trying their hardest to change that.