Loot Boxes






[Achievement: A Pouch of Gold]

[You have been awarded with the unique player effect, Gleem]

[Achievement: A Bucket of Gold]

[You have been awarded with the unique player effect, Shinny Gleem]

[Achievement: A Chest of Gold]

[You have been awarded with the unique player effect, Golden Gleem]


Without him knowing, his player ID above his head started to shine in golden light…

"... What? How disappointing." Dale mumbled to himself as he read the notifications

'A cosmetic effect? Sigh... Well, I'm not complaining, the developers may reward me whenever they want with whatever they find proper.'

'Not all actions are well rewarded, and not all rewards are what one wishes for.'

'But I wonder where this is from, I didn't get anything when I accumulated Millions of Favor, but I get one when I spent barely half a million, it doesn't quite add up.'