What is the Status?





After reading through and replying to Ermin's message, he went back to reading his notifications while the latter went on a shopping spree.

Although he knew his friend wasn't going to spend his Favor on miscellaneous things, he also did not stop him from doing so if he wished so, after all, everyone had the right to have fun once in a while.

Him included.


[Through the coalescence of your experiences, your understanding of your Class Deepens considerably]

[Your Vision has begun to take shape]

{Can you hear the whispers? Don't let them consume you}

[As your Mind opens to the World, your Soul expands beyond your body]

[Your Class Potential unfolds further]

[Alma Conqueror: 4.9% -> 19.9%]

[Skill, Spear Technique 5.5-Star has Leveled up to 6-Star]

[Skill, Close Quarters Combat 4-Star has Leveled up to 5-Star]