Depths of the Dungeon






"Urg… Dammit, where am I?" Dale asked as he looked around

'My entire body is worked up, this is by far the worst I've ever felt from all missions I've done so far…'




'Chains?... What's this supposed to mean?' 

In the middle of a wide and tall circular stone room, Dale could be seen trapped in place, chained by dozens of metallic chains wrapped around his legs, waist, arms, and neck.

They locked him in place with the help of seven pillars full of strange Runic Symbols and carvings, embedded deep into the solid stone ground.


"Shit… What type of setting is this?" He asked out loud as he tried to pull the chains apart, but they didn't budge an inch

He tried putting some force into his environment but that proved to be a futile endeavor as everything resisted his actions without even a single scratch.