Awakening of the Inner Self






Seeing Dale step forward without even giving the door a thought made the girl grow silent as her smile vanished.

Her expression then turned somewhat nostalgic, albeit pleased, though that was hard to discern.

"It's always like this." She mumbled quietly as her eyelids dropped slightly

"They choose the path of certain doom without even considering anything else."

"Some were fools, others were arrogant, but only a few knew what they were doing, though that doesn't change the fact they weren't wise for not considering other options."

"That is their arrogance, in the end, something all of your kind share." She said as she rested her staff on the ground

"Very well, do not…"

Dale wasn't in the mood to listen any further.


He ran ahead, faster than before, purplish energy gathering at his feet as he broke the earth beneath his very feet.