The wrong type of Luck...

The last few chapters were written with me outside of my home, so I apologize if they seem a bit rushed or out of the schedule, in other words, filler.





Like a specter in the night, Dale flew into the Church through a broken window near the ceiling, riding Caladbolg before jumping straight before David, startling the Divine Artifact as a 'bead of sweat' fell from his forehead.

"Dale?... What's this about?"

'He came in so quickly I didn't even have the time to process his arrival… What got him so riled up?'

'Don't tell me it's another one of his 'adventures'? Come on, the sun hasn't even risen yet...'

To his question, Dale did not waste any time, going straight to the subject at hand:

"You see… I need your help for something, nothing too extreme…"

"... I've heard that before."

"I'll keep this short..."