A new Power




/Around an hour later…/


Back in Gyu's cottage… A man arrives while riding a strange, gorgeous beast, a mix of a large hog with long tusks and a slender horse with long hair.

The soldiers saluted him, their hands in their chest, their voices booming across the silent dark forest...

"Where is he?" He asked, his voice deep and low, somewhat raspy, as if he had smoked a dozen packs of cigarettes

"Honored one, reporting!" A soldier said as he approached the man

He bowed deeply, displaying the back of his helmet where a symbol could be seen.


The man, clearly a higher-ranked official, listened to the soldier's report before getting off his mount and entering the wooden cottage, now completely turned over, his expression sharp as he looked around.

He checked room by room, eventually stopping at the room where the secret entrance was located.