The first sealed beast Part 5




Dale pursued Erile after she ran away, but it soon became evident that she would be better off alone.


'This is troubling, we need her with us.' He thought as he walked through the Church's corridors

{Don't worry, she'll come. But give her some time to compose herself}

'*Maybe this is for the best; we weren't thrilled with the idea of her being so close to the battlefield. Although it shouldn't be a problem nonetheless…*'

{She may still be just a newbie, but she can do something to help}

{This isn't a duel but a fight. A hunt even… We don't have the luxury to be honorable}

'*But that wasn't the point.*'

{She can protect herself...}

'*Not against that!*'


{Erm... You're quite pensive, what's wrong?}

'*He's thinking about the taste of her lips…*'

'Don't tell him that! He's exaggerating things!' Dale instantly replied as his face contorted